My Life's Part 2

Life inevitably changes. Today is August 8, 2010. I say b-bye now to my teenage years (though I still am a teen-at-heart) and hello to the PART 2 of my life. What will happen in this new decade for me is my graduation, job seeking, restless hours of work and possibly, love life.

I'm now 20 years old. That's two years ahead the legal age, but this day seems to bring nostalgic memories. I reminisce my childhood and all my happy pasts. But one thing's for sure - I better keep things tidy in preparation for my future.

I know that my experiences have already proven how strong I am, facing all those challenges that constantly stirred my path, with my brain in severe diffusion of problems. But I stood up! Those stuff which I thought were impossible to escape from were conquered by me. If I were to sum up all my problems from the very beginning, a gigantic golem of the size of the entire Philippines would surely be their size! Well that is only metaphorically speaking.

As for my birthday wishes, God already knows them. I have tons but He knows what my priorities are. Of course, I wouldn't achieve these wishes if I also don't work for it, so I'll work with Him. And I know that He will always guide me.



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